Role of Muslim League in the Creation of Pakistan
Role of Muslim League in the Creation of Pakistan
Anti partition agitation
staged by Hindus made it clear to the Muslims that they must have a separate
political organization. In December, 1906 Muslim Leaders from all over the Sub
Continent assembled in Dacca to attend the All India Mohammadan to establish a
central political organization for Muslims called the “All India Muslim
League.” The Muslim League was established with the primary aim of protecting
the political rights of Indian Muslims and presenting their demands and
problems before the British Government.
Foundation of Muslim
The success of Simla Deputation made it imperative for the Muslims
of the Sub Continent to have their own political organization. In 1906, the
Muslims of India founded a political party of their own known as “All
India Muslim league.”
Causes of Muslim
League’s Foundation
The partition of Bengal by the British Government in 1905 greatly
embittered the relations between Hindus and Muslims. The partition ensured a
number of political benefits for the Muslim but the Hindus reacted towards the
partitions of Bengal in a hostile and violent manner. This made it clear that
the Hindus were not willing to give Muslims their due share. This violent
protest of the Hindus convinced the educated Muslims that they could be
redeemed only if they created their own political force and their own
Aims of Muslim League
The aims of Muslim League are given below:
1. To safe guard and protect Muslim interests and
to convey their demands to British Government.
2. To create a feeling of respect and good will in
Muslim for the British Government.
3. To promote brotherhood between the different
nations of India.
Role of Muslim League
The role played by All India Muslim League in the creation of
Pakistan is summarized under:
1. Minto – Morley Reform Act – 1909
The Muslims under the able leadership of the Muslim
league now began to press for the separate electorate for the Muslims. The
authorities accepted their demand in an Act, called “The Minto –
Morley Reform Act”, in 1909.
2. Lucknow Pack – 1916
In November 1916, two committees of League and Congress met at
Calcutta and drew an agreement draft of political reform for India called “Lucknow
Pact.” Through this pact the Congress recognized the separate
status of Muslims.
3. Simon Commission
In 1927, Simon Commision was sent to India under the chairmanship
of Sir John Simon to settle Muslim Hindu differences. It was rejected because
there was no Indian member on the commission.
4. Jinnah’s Fourteen Points – 1929
The Quaid-e-Azam refused to accept the Nehru – report. In order to
protect the Muslim’s point of view on the political issues of South Asia, he
prepared a draft of guiding principles consisting of 14 points, popularly known
as “Jinnah’s Fourteen Points.”
5. Allama Iqbal’s Allahabad Address – 1930
In 1930, in his presidential address at annual session of League
at Allahabad, Iqbal proposed the formation of a separate Muslim State by combining
Northern and South-Western Muslim majority region in Sub Continent.
6. Day of Deliverance
On 22nd December, Muslim League observed “Deliverance
Day” to thank God for resignation of Congress Ministers.
7. Pakistan Resolution - 1940
The attitude of the Hindus made it clear that the Hindus and the
Muslims were two separate nations. On March 23rd, at the annual
session of Muslim League at Lahore, the famous resolution, commonly known as
the Pakistan Resolution was passed. It was presented by Maulvi Fazlul Haq.
Quaid-e-Azam said in his address:
“By all means Muslims
are one nation and they need a separate homeland where they could live their
spiritual, cultural, econmical, social and political lives independently.”
8. Cripps Mission - 1942
Sir Stafford Cripps was sent by the British Government to India,
to discuss with Indian leaders, the future Indian Constitutions. His proposal
was rejected by both the Congress and the League. The Congress characterized
them as “a post-dated cheque on a failing bank.” Jinnah said that:
“If these were accepted
“Muslims would become a minority in their majority provinces as well.”
9. Gandhi Jinnah Talks - 1944
Gandhi held talks with Jinnah to discuss about the future of
India, but no fruitful results came out of it because Gandhi did not accept
Muslims as a separate nation.
Louis Feisher wrote:
“The wall between Jinnah
and Gandhi was the Two Nation Theory.”
10. Simla Conference - 1945
Lord Wavell called a conference at Simla. The conference failed to
achieve any purpose due to one sided attitude of Lord Wavell. In this
conference, Quaid-e-Azam made it crystal clear that the Muslim League can
represent Muslims of India.
11. General Elections – 1945 -1946
Elections for the central and provincial assemblies were held in
1945-1946 in which Muslim League won 30 seats of central legislative meant for
Muslims and 430 seats out of 495 in the provincial legislative. Quaid-e-Azam
said on this occasion:
“I have no doubt now in
the acheivement of Pakistan. The Muslims of India told the world what they
want. No power of world can topple the opinion of 10 crore Muslims of India.”
12. Cabinet Mission - 1946
Cabinet Mission visited India in 1946 and submitted its
recommendations to the Britishers. As a result Interium Government was formed
but Congress and League couldn’t co-operate amongst themselves.
13. Delhi Convention - 1946
Quaid-e-Azam called a convention of all the Muslim League members
at Delhi. At the convention every member took the pledge to under go any danger
for the attainment of national goal of Pakistan.
14. 3rd June Plan - 1947
Lord Mount Batten prepared the plan for transference of power
according to the wish of people. He emphasized on the partition of the country
and told that it was the only solution of the Indian political deadlock. Both
League and Congress accepted the plan.
Muslim League thus got
its object and Pakistan was created on 14th August 1947. In
short we can say that the creation of Pakistan is the result of the ceaseless
efforts of the Muslim League and the great heroes which dedicated their lives
for the creation of Pakistan. If there were be no Muslim League the fate of the
Muslims of the Sub Continent could not be changed.