Question 01) How did the
Miller justify his not asking Hans to share some of his good things during the
Ans)The Miller justified his not asking by saying
that if little Hans came up, and saw their warm fire, and their good supper,
and their great cask of red wine he might get envious, and envy is the most
terrible sin and would spoil anybody’s nature. He certainly would not allow
Hans’ nature to be spoiled.
Question 02) How did the
Miller persuade Hans to carry the large sack of flour to the market?
Ans)When the Miller asked to carry the large sack of
flour to the market, Hans simply excused him, as he was busy. He was all his
creepers to nail up, and all his flowers to water, and all his grass to roll.
However, the Miller made him realize that he was going to give Hans his wheelbarrow
so; it was rather unfriendly of him to refuse. Thus, the Miller persuaded Hans
by blackmailing him.
Question 03) When do we
first suspect that the Miller was not really a very good friend to Hans?
Ans)When the Miller presented his idea about friendship
that when people were in trouble they should be left alone and not bothered by
visitors, and he was sure he was right. Therefore, he waited till the spring
came, and then he paid him a visit, and expected Hans to give him a large
basket of primroses which would make him so happy.
Question 04) How did the
Miller justify his rebuke to Hans for staying in bed a little later than usual
after his tiringexpedition to the market?
Ans)The next morning of very hot day when Hans went
to sell the sack of flour, the Miller came down to get the money for his sack
of flour, but Little Hans was so tired that he was in bed, the Miller angrily
said that Hans was very lazy, considering that he was going to give his
wheelbarrow, Hans should work harder. Moreover, he said idleness is a great
sin, and he certainly did not like any of his friends to be idle or sluggish.
Question 05) Why did the
Miller’s wife reveal that she was too ready to exploit the generosity of Hans?
Ans)Throughout the play, the Miller’s wife kept
praising the ideas of friendship, which were nothing but the true depiction of
the Miller’s selfishness. When the Miller said to his wife that he would go
down and see little Hans, she exclaimed that he had certainly a good heart. She
directed him to take the big basket with him for the flowers, which revealed
that she was too ready to exploit the generosity of Hans.
Question 06) What was
the supreme manifestation of the Miller’s selfishness, which caused Hans to
lose his life?
Ans)When the Miller’s son had fallen off a ladder
and hurt himself, the Miller asked Hans to fetch the doctor for him. He wanted
Miller to lend him lantern, as the night was so dark that he was afraid that he
might fall into the ditch. The Miller refused and said that it was his new lantern,
and it would be a great loss to him if anything happened to it. This act of the
Miller caused Hans death.
Question 07) What is the
effect of the Miller’s disclosure that the wheelbarrow was worthless?
Ans)The Miller considered Hans’ death a great loss
to him at any rate. He has asked himself why he had as good as given him his
wheelbarrow, and then he really did not know what to do with that. It was in
such a bad repair that he would not get anything for it if he sold it. He
promised himself that he would take care not to give anything again and made
his principle that one suffered for being generous.
Question 08) Why was
Hans unable to look after his garden? What promise was the Miller constantly
holding out before him?
Ans) Hans was never able to look after his flowers
at all, for his friend the Miller was always coming round and sending him off
on long errands, or getting him to help at the mill. Little Hans was very much
distressed at times, as he was afraid of his flowers would think he had forgotten
them, but he consoled himself by the reflection that the Miller was his best
friend. “Beside,” he used to say, “he is going to give me his
wheelbarrow, and that is an act of pure generosity.”
Question 08) Do you
think the Miller was really a sincere and devoted friend to little Hans?
Ans)In the story, “The Devoted Friend”, Oscar
Wilde has given us a clear impression that Hugh the Miller was not at all
sincere to Hans. He continued to exploit the simple and innocent fellow by
speaking and charming words about real friendship but he never acted as a true
friend. He regularly visited the small cottage garden of little Hans and took
from there baskets of flowers and fruit without making any payment. Although,
in his own opinion, “Flour (business) is one thing and friendship is another
and should not be confused”. He used Hans as his paid servant and it was his
cruelty that caused the miserable death of poor Hans.
Question 0) Summary
Ans)Introduction of
“The Devoted Friend” is
written by Oscar Wilde, who is very well known writer of the 19th century.
Oscar Wilde is one of the most eminent and elegant writer of the late 19th
century. He became dazzlingly famous with the publication of his novel “Dorian
Gray”. He was a very sophisticated and stylish writer. For all Wilde’s prose of
being preoccupied with style and disclaiming any desire to make a moral
commentary on life.
Introduction of Story
“What is friendship but
a name, A charm that lulls
to sleep. A shadow that follows wealth and fame, And leaves the
wretch to weep.”[Gold smith]
Oscar Wilde has made the
above lines crystal cleat by the character of Hugh the Miller who is projected
as a fair-weather friend. Hugh the Miller was insincere and selfish to the core
in matter of friendship. Little Hans was a symbol of sacrifice and love who was
devoted to friendship to the extent of foolishness.
“The Devoted Friend” is
something more than an exquisitely told little fairy-tale. It is both tender
and profound in its treatment of the comically one-sided friendship between the
poor Hans and the wealthy Miller. “The Devoted friend“ is a tale of two friends
narrated in an ironical tone. It exposes the selfishness and insincerity of
Miller and devotion, innocence and sacrifice of Little Hans. Little Hans was
sincere to the core and devoted to the extent of foolishness but Miller
remained a devil in the mark of an angle.
One morning a green
linnet over heard the conversation between an old water-rat and the duck. The
water-rat was a confirmed bachelor and valued friendship more than love. When
the water-rat expressed his idea about the duties of a devoted friend, the
linnet told him a story of the devoted friend. The story was applicable to
water-rat. The story as told by the linnet runs briefly thus:
Once upon a time there
was an honest, gentle and selfless fellow named Hans. He was kind-hearted and
sincere, but he was very poor. He lived in a small cottage all by himself. He
was a gardener and worked very hard in his garden and as a result his garden
was always full of different varieties of beautiful flowers. The Miller named
Hugh was highly self-centered, cunning and shrewd. He pretended to be the best
friend of Hans and at every stage he exploited simple Hans. He always took
things like fruits and flowers from Hans but gave him nothing in return. The
poor Hans never expected anything in return as was contended with Miller’s
jugglery of words he would speak about unselfishness of true friendship. The
Miller was a smooth-tongued fellow and talked a lot about the value and
importance of true friendship but he never act upon his own words. On the other
hand Hans did what he could for the sake of his friend.
The Miller, which was
out and out a mean and selfish person, visited Hans’s garden on all seasons
except the winter in the hope of collecting fruits and flowers but he never
brother to help his friend in the hour of difficulty .Miller used Little Hans
as a paid servant.
The Miller’s concept and
philosophy of friendship was very strange. It was not based on equal footing.
He impressed simple Hans by his queer philosophy on friends and friendship.
Miller took undue advantage of his simplicity. By making a false promise to
give an invalid wheel barrow to Hans, Miller took all sorts of odd jobs from
Hans and kept on repeating his pledge of handing over the good for nothing gift
of wheel barrow and kept exploiting and using him like a porter. [Some times he
would send Hans to the market to sell a heavy bag of flower and sent him to
mountain with his sheep].
The supreme
manifestation of Miller’s selfishness was reduced to transparency when in a
stormy dark night, he sent Hans to fetch the doctor because Miller’s son had
been hurt. He even refused to give him his lantern.
That stormy night proved
to be the last night of Han’s life as the poor fellow fell into a pole of water
when he was returning home and could not survive. Thus “Friendship” between a
selfish between a selfish and a devoted friend came to an end with the death of
Friendship has a
sweetness of honey, deepness of sea and strength of bull. Moreover, true
friendship has no room for selfishness, cruelty and exploitation. Little Hans,
a personification of innocence and sincerity proved his faithfulness while
Miller reached the height of selfishness. Hans laid down his life and thus
wrote a lesson all in blood that nothing is nobler than being faithful and
sincere to keep the tie of friendship strong.
The moral and the
central idea of the story is that “It is simply inhuman to be selfish at the
cost of others”. This golden principle must be strictly followed in friendship.
“A friend in need is a
friend indeed.