Write a note on the precious mineral “GOLD”
Write a note on the precious mineral “GOLD”
Write a note on the precious mineral “GOLD”
Gold ranks an important position among all the precious minerals. The use of Gold is common in the world from olden days. Today it is used for making coins and ornaments. Gold reserves are the common measure of a country’s economy. Gold is heavier than so many minerals, but in spite of that it is very soft and can be converted into thin sheet. Gold occurs in veins or reefs of quartz. Mostly it is found in Igneous and Metamorphic rocks, but some gold is also found in the sands of some rivers.
Gold ranks an important position among all the precious minerals. The use of Gold is common in the world from olden days. Today it is used for making coins and ornaments. Gold reserves are the common measure of a country’s economy. Gold is heavier than so many minerals, but in spite of that it is very soft and can be converted into thin sheet. Gold occurs in veins or reefs of quartz. Mostly it is found in Igneous and Metamorphic rocks, but some gold is also found in the sands of some rivers.