1st year Accounting Class 10 Find out Assets, Liability or Owner's Equity
1st year Accounting Class 10 Find out Assets, Liability or Owner's Equity
01)the following accounts state whether it is an asset, liability or owner’s equity; also state whether it would normally have a debit or credit balance:
1. Office equipment 2. Tariq Capital 3. Notes receivable
4. Cash 5. Drawings 6. Notes payable
02) the following accounts state whether they are asset, liability, owner’s equity, expense or income. Also state whether they would normally have a debit or credit balance:
1. furniture 2. Bank 3. Prepaid advertising
4. note receivable 5. Purchases 6. Unearned Commission revenue
7. Purchase Discount 8. Office equipment 9. Sales discount
10. Unexpired insurance 11. Drawings 12. Bank overdraft
13. Capital 14. Cash 15. Office supplies
16. Merchandise inventory 17. Unexpired rent 18. Accounts receivable
19. Accounts payable 20. Salaries payable 21 accrued expense
22. Building 23 sale