General Journal Exercise One 2015
Shamim collegiate
LA 54 block 15 gulshan e Mustafa
1st year commerce group Weekly test
Mr tariq commenced business with cash 20,000.00 and Bank 40,000.00
1. Purchase sale supplies Rs 50,000.00 for cash
2. Purchase two machines @ Rs 10,000.00 each on Credit from shamim collegiate
3. Cash sale 200.00
4. Cash was found short by Rs 50.00
5. Owner add additional investment cash 40,000.00 , office furniture rs 50,000.00 , photostate machine rs 90,000.00 and a computer rs 10,000.00
6. purchase merchandise from khalid and sons rs 20,00.26
7. sold merchandise on cash rs 2000.00
8. purchase sale equipment on account rs 2000.00 and on cash 3000.00
9. purchase merchandise from Tariq 90,000.00 and paid cash 40,000.00
10. cash purchase Rs 20.00
11. mr tariq withdrew cash for his personal use 2000.00
12. mr tariq withdrew cash for office use 3000.00
13. Cheque deposit into bank 3000.00
14. open a bank account 100.00
15. owner add additional investment 200.00
16. withdrew cash from bank for private use 30,000.00
17. withdrew cash from from bank for business use 90,000.00
18. Cash deposit into bank rs 70,000.00
19. sold supplies on cash 80,000.00
20. purchase machine 20,000.00 on cash 8000.00 and balance on credit